Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Homestudy is Done

The homestudy is done and we are know working to complete the I800A and Dossier paperwork. My mom and I have been following several other family blogs and cant believe they are in Bulgaria right now with thier children- how exciting. We have been telling many of our friends about the process and enjoy sharing more about adoption and Bulgaria.

As we were looking at other blogs, we found the Santor family fundraiser cool shirts with Bulgarian words for Faith, Hope, Love. Check out thier site if you want to see more We just ordered several for Mothers and Fathers day (and one for me too- the language looks so different and very cool.)
We also found and ordered a CD on Bulgarian phrases for adoptive families. Check this out:
Murphy e tvoia brat---means "Murphy is your brother"
imash li nuzda ot toaletna? --- means "Do you have to go to the bathroom"
otivame v novia ti dom ---menas "We are going to your new home"
Blog you later...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Murphy,

    This is so cool. I can't wait to hear more.

